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Year Book 1957 - What Else Happened?

Year Book 1957 - What Else Happened?

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In 1957 Britain's Red Dean said Chinese Reds were OK. America avoided balance-of-payments problems by sending entertainers here. Sydney's Opera House will use lotteries to raise funds. The Russians launched Sputnik and a dog got a free ride. A bodkin crisis shook the nation.

Each book meticulously crafted to delve into the remarkable events that shaped the lives of real people. These thought-provoking books are not only intended to ignite a sense of wonder for forgotten times, but also to spark engaging conversations between generations about our shared history and heritage.

 With its engaging storytelling and meticulous attention to detail, this series is the perfect gift for anyone born in the featured year. Give the gift of cherished memories and meaningful conversations with our series of volumes.

Author: Ron Williams